Needed January 2025: Long Life Milk, Tinned Meat Meals, Tinned Vegetables, Sponge Puddings, Tinned Rice Pudding, Tinned Baked Beans .  Thank you. 

Signposting & Support

Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)

Dunstable Foodbank are working in partnership with Citizens Advice (Dunstable & District), who now employ specialist Foodbank Advisers to support clients who require support from the Foodbank.
They offer a free, independent, confidential and impartial advice service. The Adviser can check if clients might be entitled to any benefits and discuss ways of maximising their income. They can help negotiate with companies they owe money to and ensure they have sufficient means to pay for essentials. They can also discuss other problems with housing, employment and relationships.

From money, debt or housing worries, advisers understand how benefit changes can affect people’s finances and will offer support and advice on a wide variety of issues.

Location Dunstable and District CAB, The Dunstable Centre Court Drive, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU5 4JD
Tel (Foodbank adviser Team) 07367 457834
(CAB Reception) 01582 670003  
Email [email protected]     
DCs CAB advisors may also be available at the following Foodbank Centres: 

 Mon – New Life Church 2pm-4pm

Weds – New Life Church 10am-12pm

Thurs – St Augustine’s Church 9.30-11.30am

Thurs – Houghton Regis Baptist Church 1.30-3.30pm

Fri – The Way Coffee House, Christ Church 12.30-2.30pm


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