Needed March 2025: Long Life Milk, Long Life Fruit Juice, Tinned Meat Meals, Baked Beans, Sponge Puddings, Packets of Dried Lentils/Pulses.  Thank you. 

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Referral Partners (Voucher Holders)

Where to get a foodbank voucher

We offer food to those in need who live in LU5 or LU6 postcode areas.

A variety of organisations can issue Foodbank vouchers, including many local schools and GP surgeries.

The following organisations issue Foodbank vouchers on a regular basis and may be able to offer you other advice and support that you may need for your circumstance as well as referring you to Dunstable Foodbank for food support:

  • Citizens Advice Bureau, Court Drive, Dunstable LU5 4JD. 07367 457834 or 01582 670003 (face-to-face drop in on Thursdays between 9:30am-12:30pm are temporarily paused)
  • Salvation Army, Bullpond Lane, Dunstable, LU6 3AH. 01582 606031 (face-to-face drop in sessions on Mondays & Tuesdays from 1:30-3pm, & Fridays between 12:30-2pm).
  • Downside Neighbourhood Centre, Oakwood Avenue, Dunstable. 0300 300 8104
  • Beehive Children’s Centre, Westfield Road, Dunstable, LU6 1DW, 0300 300 8106
  • Tithe Farm Neighbourhood Centre, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JB. 0300 300 8115
  • Parkside Neighbourhood Centre, Parkside Drive, Houghton Regis, Dunstable, LU5 5QN. 0300 3008129
  • St Augustine’s Church, Oakwood Avenue, Dunstable, LU5 4AR. 01582 528485 (please contact Revd Ricky by phone). 
  • Beds RCC, Dunstable Community Halls, Manchester Place, Dunstable, LU6 1HT. 01234 838771 or 01582 660144
  • Many local schools and GP surgeries also issue Foodbank vouchers.

Updated April 2023

If you live outside the LU5/LU6 area, you will need to contact the local foodbank to your area. This may be Luton Foodbank, Leighton Linslade Community Foodbank, The NEED Project (Flitwick), PREEN Food and Furniture Bank (Biggleswade) or Milton Keynes Food Bank – contact details for these Foodbanks can be found with an internet search. 

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